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Belgium's Deposit Market Overview: September 2023

4 min read

"Belgium's Deposit Market Overview: September 2023" offers a concise analysis of the current state of Belgium's deposit market, with a focus on recent changes in interest rates and a notable increase in short-term and long-term euro deposits. It provides valuable information and highlights the meticulous bank verification process conducted by PickTheBank, resulting in the presentation of the most attractive deposit offers available today.

The PickTheBank team remains dedicated, diligently monitoring the ever-changing interest rate landscape across Europe. In response to the prevailing inflationary pressures, banks have notably increased their interest rates over the past year. Our unwavering commitment is to provide you with valuable insights into the most enticing rates available in the market.

Today, our focus is on Belgium.

Based on official statistics released by the European Central Bank (ECB), the average interest rate on annual deposits in Belgium has surged to 3.13% in the past month, marking a notable increase from the previous month's 3.02%.

One remarkable highlight is the maximum 1-year EUR deposit interest rate we've uncovered in the market, which has risen to 2.86%, representing an uptick from the prior month's rate of 2.50%. Similarly, the maximum interest rate on long-term euro deposits in Belgium now stands at 3.50%, compared to 2.95% just a month ago.

Throughout our meticulous review process, we thoroughly scrutinized the websites of 17 Belgian banks that offer fixed-term deposit interest rates, resulting in a comprehensive database comprising 256 specific products tailored to Belgium.

Our impressive database goes far beyond the boundaries of Belgium, including deposit rate data from over 1000 banks spanning 25 European countries. Platform PickTheBank boasts a wide array of more than 20,000 financial products, providing an extensive resource for those seeking information on deposit rates across Europe.


🔥Top-5 12-month ordinary EUR deposit rates:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
2.86%MeDirect BankEUR12 mthsMore ->
2.80%AION BANKEUR12 mthsMore ->
2.55%MeDirect BankEUR12 mthsMore ->
2.50%vdk bankEUR12 mthsMore ->


🔥Top-5 24-month ordinary EUR deposit rates:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.50%AXA BANK BELGIUMEUR24 mthsMore ->
2.90%AION BANKEUR24 mthsMore ->
2.86%MeDirect BankEUR24 mthsMore ->
2.60%vdk bankEUR24 mthsMore ->
2.60%vdk bankEUR24 mthsMore ->


🔥Top-5 36-month ordinary EUR deposit rates:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.40%AXA BANK BELGIUMEUR36 mthsMore ->
3.00%Centrale KredietverleningEUR36 mthsMore ->
3.00%Centrale Kredietverlening CKV SpaarbankEUR36 mthsMore ->
3.00%vdk bankEUR36 mthsMore ->
2.86%MeDirect BankEUR24 mthsMore ->


🔥Top EUR deposit rates - any term:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.50%AXA BANK BELGIUMEUR24 mthsMore ->
3.50%Centrale Kredietverlening CKV SpaarbankEUR120 mthsMore ->
3.40%AXA BANK BELGIUMEUR36 mthsMore ->
3.40%Centrale Kredietverlening CKV SpaarbankEUR96 mthsMore ->
3.35%Centrale Kredietverlening CKV SpaarbankEUR84 mthsMore ->


Please note that the rates presented are pre-tax and do not account for variations in interest payment frequencies. To ensure the utmost accuracy and currency of information, we strongly recommend verifying rates directly with the respective banks before making any final decisions.

If you are looking for in-depth and thorough details regarding deposit rates in Belgium and other European countries, we encourage you to visit our website.

We appreciate your trust in PickTheBank as your preferred source for valuable insights into the European deposit market.

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