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Best Term Deposits to Open Online for Italian Residents: October 2023

3 min read

This selection showcases top offers tailored for Italian citizens, providing avenues for secure and potentially rewarding investments. Amidst changing local rates, discover opportunities from foreign banks offering competitive fixed-term deposit ratesExplore the best term deposit options available online for Italian residents in October 2023.

Today we are going to tell you about the bank offers for term deposits available online for Italian residents!

After analyzing all the possible offers, we have found the most favorable ones for different maturities: 
Short-term deposits (1 month - 12 months)
Medium-term deposits (1.5 - 3 years) 
Long-term deposits (over 3 years)

We have found that the most profitable deposits are offered by Italian banks, with a precedent rate of up to 5.75%.
The term deposit market is growing, so don't miss out on the opportunity to not only save against inflation but also earn!  

Here are the 4 best offers for each term ⬇️


Top 4 Short-Term Deposits To Open Online

Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
4.00%TInaba (Italy)  EUR12 mthsMore ->
3.50%TInaba (Italy)EUR6 mthsMore ->
3.50%Illimity (Italy) EUR12 mthsMore ->
3.30%IBL Banca (Italy)  EUR6 mthsMore ->


These are short-term offers that can be opened online. There are cheaper short-term deposits on the Italian market but with the option of opening a bank branch. 
You can see these offers in our article: Italian deposit market overview: October 2023


Top 4 Medium-Term Deposits To Open Online

Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
5.75%Illimity (Italy) EUR36 mthsMore ->
5.00%Illimity (Italy) EUR36 mthsMore ->
4.50%TInaba (Italy)   EUR18 mthsMore ->
4.50%Illimity (Italy) EUR24 mthsMore ->


Illimity Bank's offer of 5.75% interest is the most favorable medium-term deposit for Italian residents!


Top 4 Long-Term Deposits To Open Online

Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
5.75%Illimity (Italy) EUR48 mthsMore ->
5.75%Illimity (Italy) EUR60 mthsMore ->
5.00%Illimity (Italy) EUR48 mthsMore ->
5.00%Illimity (Italy) EUR60 mthsMore ->

Data current as of 19.10.2023
You can find the latest offers on the «Find a deposit» page.

We also recommend you familiarise yourself with the best term deposit offers of Italian banks:
Italian Deposit Market Overview: October 2023


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