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Cypriot Deposit Market Overview: August 2023

2 min read

Stay updated on the current status of the Cypriot deposit market with our comprehensive August 2023 overview. Explore prevailing interest rates, trends, and financial opportunities in Cyprus's banking sector. Our analysis highlights maximum interest rates for different deposit types, derived from meticulous research on rates offered by various Cypriot banks.

Keep yourself updated with PickTheBank as we carefully monitor interest rates and the ever-changing financial landscape in Europe. In this review, we will focus on interest rates in Cyprus, considering the overall rate increase in Europe, which is influenced by factors like inflation and market conditions.

In our analysis of fixed-term deposit interest rates in Cyprus revealed a maximum interest rate of 2.10% for long-term non-subordinated euro deposits.

Throughout our examination, we meticulously reviewed the websites of eight Cypriot banks offering these deposit rates, resulting in a comprehensive Cyprus deposit database comprising 60 products.

Our database extends beyond Cyprus and encompasses deposit rate information from over 1,000 banks across 25 European countries, totaling more than 15,000 products. For detailed information please visit our website.


🔥Here are the leading banks providing the highest EUR interest rates in Cyprus:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
2.10%Alpha BankEUR24 mthsMore ->
2.05%CDB BankEUR24 mthsMore ->
1.91%National Bank of GreeceEUR18 mthsMore ->
1.75%AncoriaEUR24 mthsMore ->
1.70%Alpha BankEUR24 mthsMore ->


Please note that not all deposit rates in Cyprus are readily available through online banks or public channels. Some rates may only be accessible by contacting the respective bank's offices directly.

Interest rates are indicated before taxation and do not consider different interest payment frequencies. We always advise you to check the latest interest rates and conditions with the bank before making a final decision.

You can find all the information about deposit rates in Cyprus and other European countries on our site.

Top deposits available online

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Protected up to €100k

Lidion Bank




Available online
Protected up to €100k

Lidion Bank




Available online
Protected up to €100k

Lidion Bank




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