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Greece's Deposit Market Overview: October 2023

2 min read

Dive into Greece's financial scene in October 2023 with our Deposit Market Overview. Discover the latest interest rates, and crucial financial data to make well-informed choices regarding your savings.

Navigating European Deposit Rates - Welcome to PickTheBank!

We diligently track interest rates and the ever-evolving financial landscape across Europe. In this review, the PickTheBank team turns your attention to Greece.

Considering the trend of rising rates in Europe due to different market conditions we also analyze fixed-term deposit interest rates in Greece uncovers a maximum interest rate of 2.40% for euro deposits of long term.

During our investigation, we meticulously combed through the websites of eight Greek banks offering these deposit rates, contributing to our comprehensive Greece deposit database, which now includes details on 245 distinct financial products.

Beyond Greece, our platform contains deposit rate information from over 1,000 banks across 25 European countries, boasting a total of more than 20,000 variant deposits.


🔥Here are the leading banks providing the highest EUR interest rates in Greece:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
2.40%Attica Bank, S.A.EUR24 mthsMore ->
2.30%National Bank of Greece, S.A.EUR18 mthsMore ->
2.30%Attica Bank, S.A.EUR12 mthsMore ->
2.25%Optima bank S.A.EUR12 mthsMore ->
2.20%Attica Bank, S.A.EUR3 mthsMore ->


Please be aware that interest rates are presented pre-tax and do not account for variations in interest payment frequencies. We strongly advise verifying the most current rates and terms with the bank before making any final decisions.

At PickTheBank, we're committed to keeping you informed about the latest developments in deposit markets across Europe, ensuring that you have the information needed to make sound financial decisions. We invite you to explore our platform. PickTheBank - All of Europe's Deposits in One Place!

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