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July 2024 Overview: Deposit Market in Lithuania

3 min read

As of July 2024, Lithuania's deposit market is stable and competitive, driven by cautious consumer behavior and strict regulatory oversight. This article provides an overview of the current trends, interest rates, and available financial products in the Lithuanian deposit market, highlighting top EUR deposit rates and insights from PickTheBank's comprehensive analysis.

This overview delves into the current state of the deposit market in Lithuania, offering insight into key trends, interest rates, and available financial products.

In the broader European context, the deposit market has been experiencing a period of modest adjustments in interest rates. As central banks across Europe continue to navigate economic uncertainties, interest rates have seen slight fluctuations, reflecting a cautious approach to maintaining economic stability. This environment has led to a diverse array of deposit rates across the continent, with some countries offering more competitive rates to attract savers.

As an EU member, Lithuania synchronizes its economic policies with those of the European Central Bank (ECB), which fosters a stable and consistent financial environment. Presently, the Lithuanian economy enjoys moderate expansion, stable inflation rates, and a robust banking sector, collectively reinforcing a resilient deposit market.

Despite a slight decrease in interest rates, consumers in the current economic climate continue to prioritize the security and liquidity of their savings. PickTheBank has thoroughly analyzed the websites of 13 Lithuanian banks, gathering data on over 190 unique financial products available for fixed-term deposits. This in-depth analysis allows users to observe interest rate movements, assess different financial products, and decide on the best investments.

Highlighted below are some of the most competitive EUR deposit rates currently available in Lithuania:


Top EUR deposit rates - any term


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
4.15%Saldo BankEUR12 mthsMore ->


EUR12 mthsMore ->
4.00%SME BankEUR12 mthsMore ->
4.00%BigbankEUR18 mthsMore ->
4.00%GF BANKASEUR18 mthsMore ->
4.00%SME BankEUR18 mthsMore ->


In conclusion, the Lithuanian deposit market, as of today, is strong and competitive. This stability is supported by rigorous regulatory oversight and careful consumer practices. PickTheBank offers a thorough and current resource, featuring data from over 5,000 banks in 25 European countries and more than 30,000 financial products. It's recommended to check the latest rates and terms directly with banks before making any investment decisions. For detailed and up-to-date information, visit PickTheBank now.


Top deposits available online

Available online
Protected up to €100k

J&T Direktbank




Available online
Protected up to €100k





Available online
Protected up to €100k

Klarna Bank AB, German Branch




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