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June 2024 Overview: Deposit Market in Austria

3 min read

Over the past year, there has been a notable uptick in bank interest rates, reflecting dynamic economic shifts. The current interest rate landscape in Austria shows promising opportunities for investors seeking competitive returns. For updated insights and further analysis PickTheBank provides valuable resources to navigate these economic trends.

In its recent Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) opted to keep the repo rate steady at 6.5%, marking the eighth consecutive session without change. This decision maintains a prolonged period of elevated interest rates, which is being well-received by fixed deposit investors. Analysts widely believe that while the phase of rate hikes has likely concluded, the onset of rate reductions may be postponed. The central bank remains vigilant in monitoring inflation dynamics alongside GDP indicators.

At PickTheBank, we are dedicated to delivering the most up-to-date insights and data on deposit interest rates to empower your investment choices.

The deposit market in Austria has seen significant shifts over the past year, largely driven by inflation and broader economic changes. As we approach the midpoint of 2024, it remains critical for investors to stay informed of these developments.

In this overview, we will explore the current landscape of the Austrian deposit market, pinpointing the most advantageous opportunities to benefit from the ongoing high-interest rates.


Most attractive offers in Austria from our partners 


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.70%Banca Sistema (Italy)BluOr Bank (Latvia)EUR120 mthsMore ->
3.66%Haitong Bank S.A. Sucursal en España (Spain)EUR24 mthsMore ->
3.65%Haitong Bank S.A. Sucursal en España (Spain)EUR36 mthsMore ->
3.60%Haitong Bank S.A. Sucursal en España (Spain)EUR12 mthsMore ->

BluOr Bank (Latvia)

EUR12 mthsMore ->


Top EUR deposit rates - any term


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.70%SPAR-FINANZ BANK AGEUR60 mthsMore ->
3.60%SPAR-FINANZ BANK AGEUR36 mthsMore ->
3.50%SPAR-FINANZ BANK AGEUR24 mthsMore ->
3.50%Addiko Bank AGEUR3 mthsMore ->
3.40%Addiko Bank AGEUR6 mthsMore ->

Anadi Bank AG

EUR3 mthsMore ->


During our review, we meticulously analyzed the websites of more than 470 Austrian banks, aggregating information on more than 3,000 unique financial products available for fixed-term deposits. It is essential to confirm the latest interest rates and terms directly with banks before finalizing any decisions.

PickTheBank provides extensive coverage beyond Austria, encompassing deposit rate data from over 5,000 banks across 25 European countries, totaling more than 30,000 financial products. Explore our platform to gain deeper insights into the European deposit market and stay updated on the latest developments in interest rate trends across Europe. For detailed and current information, visit PickTheBank today.

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