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Malta's Deposit Market Overview: September 2023

5 min read

Discover the latest developments in Malta's financial landscape in September 2023 through our Deposit Market Overview. Gain insights into current interest rates, stay informed about ongoing market trends, and access essential financial information to make informed decisions about your investments and savings.

We are here to empower you with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the complex world of finance. Our team at PickTheBank remains fully committed to closely monitoring the ever-changing landscape of interest rates in Europe, and we continue to witness their significant increase, largely driven by the impact of rising inflation. Our primary aim is straightforward: to keep you informed about these fluctuations and to present you with the most appealing opportunities available in the market.

Today, we invite you to delve into the realm of interest rates in Malta.

Recent data from the European Central Bank (ECB) reveals an intriguing trend in Malta's average annual deposit interest rate, which has risen impressively from 2.42% to an impressive 2.79% in just one month.

We've also uncovered some exciting opportunities within the market. For instance, the highest 1-year EUR deposit interest rate we've come across is a remarkable 3.25%, marking a significant increase from the 3.05% reported just a month ago. Similarly, the maximum interest rate on long-term euro deposits has climbed to 3.34%, up from 3.08% in the previous month.

In the process of crafting this review, we conducted an exhaustive analysis of the websites of 9 Maltese banks that provide information on fixed-term deposit interest rates. Therefore, our Malta deposit database showcases an extensive compilation of 402 individual financial products. Our primary aim is straightforward: to keep you informed about these fluctuations and to present you with the most appealing opportunities available in the market.


🔥Top-5 12-month ordinary EUR deposit rates:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.25%FCM Bank LtdEUR12 mthsMore ->
3.00%IIG Bank (Malta) LTDEUR12 mthsMore ->
2.75%MeDirect Bank (Malta) plcEUR12 mthsMore ->
2.55%BNF Bank plcEUR12 mthsMore ->
2.50%APS BANK P.L.C.EUR12 mthsMore ->


🔥Top-5 24-month ordinary EUR deposit rates:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.15%BNF Bank plcEUR24 mthsMore ->
3.00%APS BANK P.L.C.EUR24 mthsMore ->
3.00%IIG Bank (Malta) LTDEUR24 mthsMore ->
2.80%MeDirect Bank (Malta) plcEUR24 mthsMore ->
2.75%FIMBank plcEUR24 mthsMore ->


🔥Top-5 36-month ordinary EUR deposit rates:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.00%Lombard Bank Malta plcEUR36 mthsMore ->
3.00%MeDirect Bank (Malta) plcEUR36 mthsMore ->
3.00%IIG Bank (Malta) LTDEUR36 mthsMore ->
3.00%FIMBank plc EUR36 mthsMore ->
2.90%BNF Bank plcEUR36 mthsMore ->


🔥Top EUR deposit rates - any term:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.34%Lombard Bank Malta plcEUR72 mthsMore ->
3.25%FCM Bank LtdEUR6 mthsMore ->
3.25%FCM Bank LtdEUR9 mthsMore ->
3.15%BNF Bank plcEUR24 mthsMore ->
3.00%IIG Bank (Malta) LTDEUR12 mthsMore ->


🔥Top USD deposit rates - long term:


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.00%APS BANK P.L.C.USD12 mthsMore ->
3.00%FIMBank plc USD12 mthsMore ->
2.95%APS BANK P.L.C.USD12 mthsMore ->
2.75%FIMBank plc USD9 mthsMore ->
2.50%FIMBank plc USD6 mthsMore ->


Interest rates are provided before taxes and without factoring in different interest payment frequencies. We highly recommend verifying the most current interest rates and terms with the bank before making any final decisions.

It's important to highlight that PickTheBank's comprehensive database extends beyond Malta, covering deposit rate information from over 1,000 banks across 25 European countries. In total, we offer data on more than 20,000 financial products. We invite you to explore our website for a deeper understanding of the European deposit market.

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