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The Czech Republic's Deposit Market Overview: September 2023

4 min read

Сoncise and insightful look into the current state of the Czech deposit market. This report offers up-to-date information on interest rates, highlighting competitive options from Czech banks across various term deposits.

At PickTheBank, we are deeply committed to diligently monitoring the constantly evolving landscape of interest rates across Europe. In the aftermath of a year marked by substantial inflationary pressures, the financial sector has experienced a remarkable upsurge in interest rates. Our enthusiasm knows no bounds as we eagerly share with you the most captivating rates that the market currently has to offer.

Today, the PickTheBank platform is delighted to present a comprehensive overview of the most intriguing interest rates currently accessible in the Czech Republic.

For instance, the peak interest rate for euro deposits of any duration in the Czech Republic is an impressive 4.00%. Furthermore, our research reveals a striking 1-year EUR deposit interest rate of 4.00%, a notable increase from the previous month's 3.80%.

Behind these numbers lies a rigorous process of analysis. We scrutinized the websites of 20 prominent Czech banks, each offering a range of fixed-term deposit interest rates. PickTheBank's team efforts yielded a comprehensive repository of 578 distinct products within the Czech Republic's deposit landscape.

🔥Leading EUR Deposit Rates – Any Terms

Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
4.00%J&T BANKA, a.s.EUR24 mthsMore ->
4.00%J&T BANKA, a.s.EUR18 mthsMore ->
4.00%J&T BANKA, a.s.EUR15 mthsMore ->
4.00%J&T BANKA, a.s.EUR12 mthsMore ->
3.90%J&T BANKA, a.s.EUR9 mthsMore ->

🔥Leading CZK Deposit Rates – Any Terms

🔥The following banks offer the highest CZK interest rates on subordinated deposits in the Czech Republic:

Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
8.70%Banka CREDITAS a.s.CZK120 mthsMore ->
8.20%Banka CREDITAS a.s.CZK84 mthsMore ->
8.00%Banka CREDITAS a.s.CZK72 mthsMore ->
7.60%Banka CREDITAS a.s.CZK60 mthsMore ->
7.50%J&T BANKA, a.s.CZK60 mthsMore ->

🔥The following banks offer the highest CZK interest rates on ordinary deposits in the Czech Republic:

Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
7.30%NEY spořitelní družstvoCZK12 mthsMore ->
7.00%Artesa, spořitelní družstvoCZK6 mthsMore ->
7.00%NEY spořitelní družstvoCZK12 mthsMore ->
6.30%Artesa, spořitelní družstvoCZK24 mthsMore ->
6.25%J&T BANKA, a.s.CZK12 mthsMore ->

🔥Top US dollar deposit rates 

Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
4.25%J&T BANKA, a.s.USD12 mthsMore ->
4.00%J&T BANKA, a.s.USD6 mthsMore ->
4.00%J&T BANKA, a.s.USD3 mthsMore ->
3.50%Raiffeisenbank a.s.USD12 mthsMore ->
3.25%Raiffeisenbank a.s.USD12 mthsMore ->

🔥Top GBP deposit rates 

Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
4.00%J&T BANKA, a.s.GBP12 mthsMore ->
3.75%J&T BANKA, a.s.GBP6 mthsMore ->
3.50%J&T BANKA, a.s.GBP3 mthsMore ->
3.50%J&T BANKA, a.s.GBP1 mthsMore ->
1.50%Československá obchodní banka, a. s. GBP3 mthsMore ->


Expanding our reach to encompass over 1000 banks spanning 25 European countries, our database proudly boasts an impressive array of more than 20,000 products. This stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing you with a comprehensive perspective of the European deposit market.

We invite you to explore our website, where you'll find a wealth of information regarding the European deposit market and its abundant opportunities. Please note that the rates presented are before taxation and do not take into account interest payment frequencies. For the utmost accuracy and current details, we recommend verifying rates directly with the respective banks before making any final decisions.

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