Deposit in ČSOB stavebná sporiteľňa, a.s., 0.01% for 0 months

ČSOB stavebná sporiteľňa, a.s.
Privatbanka EURO Deposit 3 is sold only through the Internet platform Deposit Solutions GmbH for citizens of the member states of the European Economic Area.
Interest rate
from Kč500
CZKDeposit opening fees
NoAdditional deposits
YesEarly termination
YesEarly partial withdrawals
YesAvailable for
SlovakiaDeposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS)
Deposits up to €100k per person are covered
Other deposits from this bank
Similar deposits available online
No fees associated.
Weekly interest payouts.
Free and straightforward account setup. It can be done within 5 minutes via mobile phone.
For 🇪🇺 EEA residents who joined bunq on or after July 1, 2024: Since you had no savings balance from January 1 to June 30, 2024, your threshold is set to €0. You’ll earn a variable bonus interest rate (currently 3.36%*) on all savings up to €100,000 until December 31, 2024.
For those who joined bunq before July 1, 2024: Your threshold is based on your highest savings balance between January 1 and June 30, 2024.
From July 1 to December 31, 2024: Earn 2.16% variable interest up to your threshold. Earn 3.36% variable bonus interest on any amount above your threshold.
For 🇳🇱 Dutch and 🇮🇪 Irish Resident: If you’re a 🇳🇱 Dutch or 🇮🇪 Irish resident and signed up on/after May 27, 2024 but before July 3, 2024, you’ll continue receiving a fixed 2.46% (annual rate) for your first 3 months. Once your promotional period is over, your rates will change to the ones mentioned above. Your threshold will be based on the highest savings balance that you reached between January 1 and June 30, 2024.
For 🇺🇸 USD and 🇬🇧 GBP savings accounts: Earn a 3.71% annual variable interest rate.
Interest rates for Smart Plus and Smart Premium accounts are calculated on balances up to €1500; 0.00% is applied to amounts of €1500.01 or more (i.e., with a balance of €2000, interest will be applied to €1500 at a rate of either 1.50% or 3.00%, depending on the account type, while the remaining €500 will earn 0.00%).
With a term deposit with a commitment of 2, 3, or 4 years, you receive a guaranteed interest rate of 0.30% per annum. To receive a preferential interest rate of 3% per annum, you must have a valid Account plus.
Interest rates for Smart Plus and Smart Premium accounts are calculated on balances up to €1500; 0.00% is applied to amounts of €1500.01 or more (i.e., with a balance of €2000, interest will be applied to €1500 at a rate of either 1.50% or 3.00%, depending on the account type, while the remaining €500 will earn 0.00%).
For more information about additional terms and conditions, kindly visit the bank's official website
Privatbanka EURO Deposit 2 (DE) sa predáva len prostredníctvom internetovej platformy spoločnosti Raisin GmbH pre občanov členských štátov Európskeho hospodárskeho priestoru s trvalým pobytom na území Nemecka, Rakúska a Holandska.
It is a combined investment opportunity consisting of a fixed-rate investment and an investment fund offered by the bank.