Deposit in Stadt-Sparkasse Solingen, 2% for 3 years
Stadt-Sparkasse Solingen
Protected up to €100k
Fixed interest rate from 0.02% to 0.50% per annum, depending on the year of the term. Partial repayment in 7 installments, each 1/7 of the investment amount. First payment immediately on the 1st of the month after the investment, then annually, including interest on the loan. In addition to the agreed annual payment rates, extraordinary payments are not possible.
Interest rate
Any amount
EURDeposit opening fees
NoAdditional deposits
noEarly termination
noEarly partial withdrawals
noInterest payment frequency
at maturityAvailable for
GermanyDeposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS)
Deposits up to €100k per person are covered
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