Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. products, services and reviews
Rating, reviews, address, contact info, branches, phone numbers, fixed deposits, savings and card accounts offered by Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V.
Annual fee
Annual fee
Interest rates up to to 2.70%
Open directly on PickTheBank Platform
Terms from 6 months to 5 years
Annual interest payments
Protected by Deposit Guarantee System up to 100.000 EUR
Annual fee
Annual fee
Free weekly investment ideas with 16% average return
Up to 20 gift stocks for the account top-up
Stocks, bonds, ETFs and US options from the global exchanges
Reliable EU-regulated broker
Investing in securities and other financial instruments always involves the risk of capital loss. Forecasts and past performance may not be used as reliable indicators of future performance. It is important that, before making any trades, you carry out your own analysis. If necessary, please seek independent advice from a certified professional.

Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V.
Credit ratings
Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS)
Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS) member. Deposits up to €100k per person are covered
About Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V.
Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V., established as a subsidiary of Yapi Kredi Bank, has been a significant player in the Dutch banking sector since its inception. The parent company, Yapi Kredi Bank, has a rich history dating back to 1944. Over the years, Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. has harnessed the experience and financial strength of its Turkish parent to offer a diverse range of financial solutions to individuals and businesses in the Netherlands. Founded in 1987, Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland has continually evolved to meet the changing needs of its customers. The bank provides various financial products, including savings and current accounts, as well as loan and mortgage options. This allows individuals and businesses to manage their finances effectively and pursue their goals. Being part of the Yapi Kredi Bank Group, which has a strong presence in Turkey and beyond, Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland benefits from the collective knowledge and resources of the larger banking network. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to the official channels of Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V.
Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. Deposit guarantee scheme participation
Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. participates in the deposit guarantee scheme of Netherlands which applies to all deposit accounts made by natural persons, legal entities and covers up to up to 100,000 EUR (or equivalent in local currency) per bank per depositor.
Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. Countries of operations
Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. offers their savings products in Netherlands
Products offered by Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. and interest rates
Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. offers 44 deposits and 3 savings accounts in EUR, GBP, USD.
Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. offers the following fixed deposits in EUR in Netherlands: 0 months deposit - 2.4%; 3 months deposit - 2.2%; 6 months deposit - 2.2%; 12 months deposit - 2.35%; 24 months deposit - 2.4%; 36 months deposit - 2.4%.
Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. offers the following fixed deposits in GBP in Netherlands: 0 months deposit - 3%; 12 months deposit - 2.5%.
Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. offers the following fixed deposits in USD in Netherlands: 0 months deposit - 3%; 3 months deposit - 3%; 6 months deposit - 3%; 12 months deposit - 3.5%; 24 months deposit - 3.5%; 36 months deposit - 1.55%.
Best interest rates in Netherlands
Fixed deposits offered by Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V.
Savings accounts offered by Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V.
Loans offered by Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V.
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Rembrandt Tower, 16th Floor, Amstelplein 1, 1096 HA Amsterdam - NETHERLANDS.
Phone number
+31 20 462 44 44Website
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Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V.