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Croatian Deposit Market Overview: October 2023

3 min read

Explore the dynamic landscape of Croatia's deposit market in October 2023 through our comprehensive overview. Get insights into the latest interest rates, stay informed about evolving market trends, and access crucial financial information to make well-informed decisions regarding your savings and investments.

European Deposit Rates: PickTheBank's Expert Insights

The PickTheBank platform offers a wide array of more than 20,000 financial products, serving as a valuable resource for those seeking information on deposit rates throughout Europe.

In this instance, we turn our attention to Croatia. 
Much like other European banks responding to inflationary pressures, Croatian banks have also increased their interest rates.

The maximum interest rate for euro deposits in Croatia now stands at 3.25%, compared to 3.05% just a month ago.

Our team at PickTheBank is dedicated to diligently tracking the dynamic landscape of European interest rates. Throughout our rigorous review process, we meticulously examined the websites of 20 Croatian banks offering fixed-term deposit interest rates, resulting in a comprehensive database containing 845 specific products tailored to Croatia.


🔥Spotlight on the Leading Deposit Offers in Croatia for the Month🔥

Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.25%KentBank d.d.EUR6 mthsMore ->
3.25%KentBank d.d.EUR12 mthsMore ->
3.10%KentBank d.d.EUR6 mthsMore ->
3.10%KentBank d.d.EUR12 mthsMore ->
3.00%Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d.EUR12 mthsMore ->


Interest rateBankCurrencyTerm 
3.00%KentBank d.d.USD1 mthsMore ->
3.00%KentBank d.d.USD3 mthsMore ->
3.00%KentBank d.d.USD6 mthsMore ->
3.00%KentBank d.d.USD12 mthsMore ->
2.00%Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d.USD24 mthsMore ->


Our extensive database extends beyond Croatia, encompassing deposit rate information from over 1,000 banks across 25 European nations.

It's important to note that the interest rates mentioned here do not include tax implications or variations in interest payment schedules. We strongly advise confirming the most up-to-date interest rates and terms directly with the respective banks before making any conclusive choices. 

You can find comprehensive information regarding deposit rates in Croatia and other European countries on our website at 

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